
OPen ARChaeology

The project OpArc (OPen Archaeology) was born in the summer of 2003. Its main objective is to apply the “philosophy” of FOSS (Free Open Source Software) to the archeology. In other words, the basic idea is to share software (tools), know-how (knowledge), ideas (research) and data for better and faster development of the discipline of archeology. From the main project are born as a result many other subprojects.


ArchOS – Archeological Operating System

archeos_logoArcheOS is the acronym of Archeological Operating System. It is a GNU/Linux live distribution built for archaeological aims. Actually a new version (4.0) based on Debian “Squeeze” is under development.

To run ArcheOS, you have to burn a DVD with the .iso image and put it inside your DVD reader. Then restart the computer. It is also possible to install ArcheOS on your harddisk (click on the install ArcheOS icon).

ArcheOS is developed following the OpArc project guidelines and it is released by Arc-Team s.n.c. under the General Public License (GPL).


ATOR (Arc-Team Open Research) Blog