OpenMaterials is a research group dedicated to open investigation and experimentation with DIY production methods and uses of materials.
In the spirit of the open source software and hardware movements, we hope to promote materials to be researched and developed in a public, collaborative manner. We see materials as an open resource, and wish to establish an open process for exploring and sharing knowledge, techniques and applications related to materials science. We hope to encourage discourse and experimentation with the broadest range of materials and processes possible.
This website is intended as a platform to share knowledge, resources and discoveries, as well as document experiments and processes.
In broad terms the aims of openMaterials are:
:: Collect interesting resources (news, techniques, theory, artworks, videos, etc.) and share them via links and blog posts
:: Create a repository of relevant materials, tools and techniques. eg. – descriptions, physical properties, what it’s good for and what it’s not, tricks and hacks, where to get it, who’s using it, who’s improving it
:: Experiment and document experiments, and share them via how-tos and tutorials (text and video)