Open Source Software

Natron open source compositing software

Natron is an open-source • crossplatform nodal • compositing software

Natron is a free open-source, cross-platform compositing software. It aims to produce visual effects.


  • 32 bits floating point linear colour processing pipeline.
  • Colorspace management handled by the famous open-source OpenColorIO library.
  • Dozens of file formats supported: EXR, DPX,TIFF, JPG, PNG…thanks to OpenImageIO.
  • Support for many free and open-source OpenFX plugins:
      • TuttleOFX : A suite of about 80 plug-ins made by a french studio named Mikros image.
      • OpenFX-IO to read anything else than standard 8-bits images (bundled with pre-compiled versions of Natron.
      • OpenFX-Misc : A set of basic nodes, such as Transform, chroma keyer, etc… (bundled with the pre-compiled versions of Natron.


  • Support for commercial OpenFX plugins: (these are proprietary software and not free)
  • OpenFX v1.3 supported : almost all features of v1.3 are supported (see Documentation/ofxActionsSupported.rtf and Documentation/ofxPropSupported.rtf in the source distribution)
  • Intuitive user interface: Natron aims not to break habits by providing an intuitive and familiar user interface.  It is possible to separate on any number of screens the graphical user interface.
  • Performances:  Never wait for anything to be rendered, in Natron anything you do produces real-time feedback thanks to its optimised multi-threaded rendering pipeline and its support for proxy rendering (i.e: the render pipeline can be computed at lower res to speed-up rendering).
  • Multi-task: Natron can render multiple graphs at the same time, it can also be used as a background process in command-line mode without any display support (e.g: for render farm purpose).
  • Recover easily from bugs: Natron sometimes crashes. Fear not, an  auto-save system detects inactivity and saves your work for yourself. Also Natron provides the option to render a graph in a separate process, meaning that any crash in the main application would not crash the ongoing render (and the other way around).
  • Project format written in XML and easily editable by human.
  • Fast & interactive Viewer – Smooth & accurate  zooming/panning even for very large image sizes (tested on 27k x 30k images).
  • Real-time playback: Natron offers  a real-time playback with best performances thanks to its RAM/Disk cache technology. Once a frame is rendered, it can be reproduced instantly afterwards, even for large image sizes.
  • Low hardware requirements: All you need is an x86 64 bits or 32 bits processor, at least 3 GB of RAM and a graphic card that supports OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL 1.5 with some extensions.
  • Animate your visual effects: Natron offers a simple and efficient way to deal with keyframes with a very accurate and intuitive curve editor.
  • Command line tool for execution of project files. The command line version is executable from ssh on a computer without any display. Hence it is possible to use a render farm to render Natron’s projects.
    • In the near future we will implement python bindings so that Natron can be scriptable and used only from the command line.
  • Multi-view workflow: Natron saves time by keeping all the views in the same stream. You can separate the views at any time with the SplitViews node. Note that currently Natron does not allow to split the nodes settings for each view, this will be implemented in the future.
  •  Rotoscoping: Edit your masks and animate them to work with complex shots
  • Tracker node: A new tracker  embedded in Natron to track multiple points with different algorithms available.
  • Presets: Nodes presets can be imported/exported easily with an XML file format


Roadmap & features for future versions:

  • Python 3 scripting integration: –  This feature is already half-way of being implemented* Parameters expressions* User-defined parameters

    * Nodes groups (Same as Gizmos in Nuke) but that will be written as Python scripts

    * Script editor to control the application overall

    * User-defined python callbacks to respond to particular checkpoints of the internals of the software (change of a parameter, before rendering a frame, etc…)

    * Integration of Pyside to the GUI so that the interface will be extensible with new menus and windows

  • Optical Flow nodes: VectorGenerator, Motion Blur, Retimer, RollingShutter
  • Natural matting: Extract a foreground of an image without necessarily a green/blue-screen background.
  • Roto-painting: This functionality will complement the already existing Roto node.
  • Dope sheet: Well this is time we implement this, it can be very tedious to organise image sequences without this very useful tool.
  • Deep data: Support for deep data (multiple samples per pixel)




Open Source

PDFSAM aka pdf split and merge

Split and merge pdf documents, it’s free, open source and platform independent.

Open Source

bvhacker is now open source

Great new thank’s to davedub who offer source code of bvhacker to open source comunity:

Due to both popular demand and common sense, I’ve decided to make bvhacker open source. I have done so for a number of reasons:

  • I don’t have time to contribute any more, but there is still a lot of interest in the project.

  • Open source, as a concept, rocks. I’ve used lots of open source software over the years. It feels good to give something back.

  • I’m hoping for a few more donations and maybe even some consultancy work 😉

SOURCE: by davedub


Source code at GitHub:

Open Source

nodebox – Clever tools for curious creatives

The NodeBox family of tools gives you the leverage to create generative design the way you want.

Using our open-source tools we enable designers to automate boring production challenges, visualize large sets of data and access the raw power of the computer without thinking in ones and zeroes. Our tools integrate with traditional design applications and run on many platforms.


Open Source

Visual Understanding Environment – VUE

At its core, the Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and content mapping application, developed to support teaching, learning and research and for anyone who needs to organize, contextualize, and access digital information. Using a simple set of tools and a basic visual grammar consisting of nodes and links, faculty and students can map relationships between concepts, ideas and digital content.

Concept mapping is not new to the educational field. In fact, the benefits of concept mapping as a learning tool have been documented by over 40 years of cognitive science research. VUE provides a concept mapping interface, which can be used as such, or as an interface to organize digital content in non-linear ways.

Numerous tools currently exist for locating digital information, but few applications are available for making sense of the information available to us. As the availability of digital information continues to increase, VUE sets itself apart as a flexible tool to help faculty and students integrate, organize and contextualize electronic content in their work. Digital content can be accessed via the Web, or using the VUE’s “Resources” panel to tap into digital repositories, FTP servers and local file systems.

Sharing and presenting information are important aspects of academic work. VUE’s pathways feature allows presenters to create annotated trails through their maps, which become expert guided walk-throughs of the information. The pathways feature also provides a “slide view” of the information on the map. The power of VUE’s slide mode is the ability for presenters to focus on content (slide view) while preserving the information’s context (map view), by way of a single toggle between the two views.

VUE also provides supports for in-depth analysis of maps, with  the ability to merge maps and export connectivity matrices to import in statistical packages. VUE  also provide tools to apply semantic meaning to the maps, by way of ontologies and metadata schemas.

Open Source


The Apache Software Foundation, a US 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation, provides organizational, legal, and financial support for a broad range of over 140 open source software projects. The Foundation provides an established framework for intellectual property and financial contributions that simultaneously limits potential legal exposure for our project committers. Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process known as The Apache Way, Apache™ projects deliver enterprise-grade, freely available software products that attract large communities of users. The pragmatic Apache License makes it easy for all users, commercial and individual, to deploy Apache products.

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects, which provide software products for the public good.

The Apache projects are defined by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field.

“We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.”

Open Source Software


WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family.

Open Source Software


GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.

Open Source


WikiHouse is a non-profit project, developing hardware and software which is open and shared in the commons, owned by everyone. Help us build the project by co-funding the next development goals — which are split into the three categories below. These are each individually fundable, so when you make a donation, your money will go directly towards funding the specific goal you choose.

Open Source Software


LibreOffice is community-driven and developed software which is a project of the not-for-profit organization, The Document Foundation.

The LibreOffice software is developed by users, just like you, who believe in the principles of free software and in sharing their work with the world in a non-restrictive way. At the core of these principles is the promise of better-quality, highly-reliable and secure software that gives you greater flexibility at zero cost. Beyond this, the driving factor behind the community is personal choice and transparency, which translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility and no end-user lock-in to using just one product.

The community behind LibreOffice is the heart of the project, without which we would not have the resources to develop the software. The passion and drive that every individual brings to the community results in collaborative development exceeding expectations and, best of all, you can be part of it in a multitude of ways.

The Community Bylaws, developed by our own community members, guide the way we work, and encourage new members to contribute in a way which benefits the whole community as well as themselves, while protecting your rights as a developer under the free software Lesser GNU Public v3 license.